Books by Efrat Ginot

Award Winning Author Of Two Books

The Neuropsychology Of The Unconscious

This book presents a new model of unconscious processes, expanding on more traditional views of the unconscious. Unconscious processes are ever-present and pervasive, and in contrast to what we used to think, always monitor, and react to the environment. Unconscious processes and the personality patterns they give rise to are rooted in the integrated nature of the brain, mind, and body. Based on relevant neuropsychological studies the book describes the integrated emotional, cognitive, behavioral and defensive tendencies that essentially comprise unconscious patterns. It illuminates how such patterns are created during early development, how they are sustained, triggered, and automatically triggered in response to familiar events.

The book explores the brain/mind’s propensity to automatically repeat whole patterns of emotions, behaviors, and cognitions even if they are inappropriate or harmful. Similarly, it provides a frame for understanding the difficulties we encounter in becoming aware of internal and interpersonal reactions that are no longer adaptive. The various chapters discuss the clinical implications of our brains/minds’ tendencies to perceive our internal and external events according to existing unconscious patterns.

Upcoming June 2022: Our Anxious Selves

Our Anxious Selves: Neuropsychological Processes and their Enduring Influence on Who We Are

Discussing the outsized role that fear, anxiety, and other distressing emotions play in forming fundamental aspects of who we are.

Using recent findings from neuropsychology, this book shows that who we are psychologically starts with the early presence of an easily aroused fear/anxiety system. It goes on to discuss how clinicians can view people’s difficulties with self-confidence and identity, and how self-destructive patterns can be traced back to these systems and what clinicians can do to help. It also touches on intergenerational transmission of trauma, as well as people’s responses to COVID-19, PTSD, and real and imagined threats.
